20,000 messages and counting – On-hold and IVR for your telephone system
Having spent time and money on a great new phone system, branding, a fabulous website, snazzy logo and all the things that combine to make you look great, what does your customer hear when they finally make contact?

On-hold messaging is a great opportunity for you to entertain, advise, highlight new products or changes, and sell to your clients. It’s also a simple way to make a great first impression.
The phone messages that greet your callers need to reflect your brand. Do they sound the way you want to be seen? Do they portray your values? Do they sound professional?
And this is where I come in. I’m a voiceover (think that bloke from the X-Factor, but less shouty). I spend my days tucked away in a cosy, acoustically treated booth working on everything from tv and radio commercials, to training videos and corporate presentations, radio station imaging and even Voice of God announcements for awards ceremonies.
I record a lot of telephone system messages. In fact I did a quick calculation and reckon I’ve voiced well over 20,000.
Think of these messages as mini commercials. Here’s a flavour of some of the ways you can use this time on hold.
And to do something similar for your brand? It’s easy. Write a script (remembering these words will be spoken, not read), tell me how you want it to sound, and leave the rest to me.
For more information or a quote, simply email or call me and let’s chat.
You have shared great information on telephone hold messages. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your comment. happy to help if I can.