Five things voiceovers should do right now

Five things voiceovers should do right now, and Natalie Cooper British female voice over is working on her to To Do list for successful voice over projects

Five things voiceovers should do right now

Summer is a funny time of year, especially for a voice over. Clients go on holiday, meaning either super-fast turnarounds or tumbleweed, children need looking after, ferrying about and often supervising during voice over sessions of their own. It’s a great time to catch up and get ready for the crazy period in the run-up to Christmas. Here’s five things voiceovers should do right now (consider this a note to self):

  • update demos,
  • sort out the accounts,
  • file paperwork,
  • check website links and content are up to date,
  • and review the plan for the year, there’s still 5 months to make things happen. 

I’ll admit, I get distracted, and I’m one of those people that disappears off on online paper chases. One interesting article leads to another and before I know it I have 30 tabs open and I’m baffled as to why my Mac is starting to creak slightly (as is my brain).

I came across this the other day – a fun infographic about what your desk might say about you, with a selection of desks from the rich and brilliant. It seems me and Einstein have something in common. I’m absolutely convinced that the “messy desk is a sign of a genius” thing is true too.

In the spirit of full disclosure and since we’re not on Instagram here, I confess, the picture at the top of this page really is a photo of my desk this morning. I know. 

I promise, it’s all projects in motion. Notebooks full of business planning and ideas, doodles and diaries. Books to read, ranging from the existential (I’ve just completed my first year of an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology) to the inspirational, and practical (studio builds for geeks, anyone?). Fountain pens, coloured pens, white board markers, flipchart pens, pencils (I always use a pencil for my diary, sessions can switch around a bit). Sunglasses (I’m an eternal optimist), and hand cream.

While my desk looks like a danger zone of frantic brain activity and a clear lack of interest in filing, my sound desk in the booth, is spotless. Don’t be fooled. Madly scattered thinking outside of a session, absolute concentration and lack of distraction once I”m voicing. 

What does my desk say about me? Fizzing with ideas and enthusiasm day to day, but clear, focused and professional in the booth. So, those five things voiceovers should do right now – let’s add:

  • Tidy your desk (but leave enough mess for genius).

What does your work space say about you?

Five things voiceovers should do right now including tidying the studio

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